Monthly Archives: June 2017

The Confused Christian: Translations

Biblical Word Studies

“Poetry in translations is like taking a shower while wearing a raincoat.”

Walking into a book store or searching online for a Bible, there are many options in English. Which one is the correct or “authorized” English version?  Early on, I thought the easier, more acceptable answer was from one of my teachers, “The best translation is the one you read.”  To quote a former Russian missionary, “We have a purer translation of the word today than we have ever had.”

In going out witnessing, I have been confronted on occasion about translations, from traditionalist and other religious sects touting their own translation. To help guide me into a proper response, I took a stroll through history on translations.

First stop is the Old Testament, which was originally written in Hebrew and a couple of later books in Aramaic. With the finding of the Dead Sea Scrolls at Qumran, we…

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